Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Offences Of Nigeria's Wealthy Pastors

The fear of the wrath of God has totally and religiously bewitched Nigerian Christians from talking about how their men of God bask in affluence without check and effect of this on the thought pattern of the younger generation.

Tell a Nigerian why you think there are excessive way in which pastors, especially Penticostal ones, in Nigeria display wealth and even enjoy it; and you will hear comments like "God is the utmost jugde","don't invite the wrath of God o", "who are you to determine how pastors spend their money?", "he is a pastor, he should be respected", and so on...And amazingly I am always
like "so because he is a man of God, he is totally complete and devoid of mistakes?"

Can we just put sentiments aside and let our God-given brain work perfectly with our minds?

No doubts, living a prosperous life is a small fraction of what serving God has to offer but I doubt if there is place for something called a simple lifestyle anymore as most of our men of God have turned out to join music celebrities and Nollywood stars who glory in the show-off culture.

The current trend in the Nigerian Christian community has even made many young people to think money comes miraculously, hence, their sheepish and blindfolded acceptance of the words of our men of God not knowing that money simply flows directly towards ideas; not only ideas but ideas that have been worked on continuously and watered.

I am not arguing that when you truthfully and wholeheartedly work for God, things just somehow find a way of working out but it is highly annoying to sit down, fold your arms and lazy around in the name of God and expect turn arounds.

It is even more mouth-opening when you see members of a church treat their pastors like superheroes and the pastors even allow it!.Yes, pastors should be respected but not in the way and manner we try to place these men of God over the One who really sent them on the great commission.

It is ironic how it is obvious that pastors and the un-churched are all craving the same thing; even the spiritual well-being of church members is taken lightly as it is only financial breakthrough everyone keeps hearing about. With these offences and more, I cannot even differentiate between our pastors and our politicians as everything is all about money and the exhibition of it...or can you differentiate?

- by Adams Odunayo

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