Saturday, 24 May 2014

How I Gave My First Héad, Daddy’s Girl Memoirs (Blow j0b)

Before my first time giving héad, I swore up and down that it just wasn’t for me.
From everything down to the saliva, it was just too personal for me.
To this day, I have yet to receive héad.
Anyways, one weekend one of my friend’s childhood friend came to town.
I had a crush on him for a while.

When we met and you would have thought I was mute the way I alternated between staring, smiling and twirling my fingers like a school girl.
I might have been in shock, but I did just enough for he and I to exchange numbers. LOL
He was not leaving town without giving me the golden nine digits.
We chatted for a short while then he decided that he was going to come sleep over the next day.
My friend looked at me like I was growing three extra héads.
Although neither one of us voiced these thoughts, we knew that after I fucked him, I wouldn’t be the same inexperienced girl that I was.
On the way to get him, I was too excited; It was like I was a little girl in a candy store.
The excitement flew right out the passenger window when we drove through the gated community where he was staying.
I finally realized that I didn’t know what the hell to say to him.
I knew nothing.
I was stuck on stupid I tell you.
So I let him and my friend chop it up about old times.
I only laughed and chimed in when necessary.
We got to my house and smoked for a while with my room mate before we split and héaded to my room.
Soon as the door closed, I realized that I was trapped and there was no turning back.
I was a rookie at $ex and a foreigner to oral $ex. LOL
But, picture me telling him this shiii right before we’re about to have $ex… I’d be damned!
Now a days females and males in the industry are all trifling so, I knew from the rip there was no way he was trying to hear that shit.
So I turned on my inner Pinky and got to work.
When I pulled his di-ck out his boxers, my stomach dropped.
This man had a third le'g.
Between his hung di-ck and knowing that he was knee deep in the industry, I became skeptical and extremely indecisive.
Sensing the apprehension I felt, he told me to consider him an “Average Joe” and not a rapper.
He went on and on about how easy it is like he was in my position LOL.
I was sold.
After a few baby licks, I realized that his di-ck didn’t have that weird taste I’d always expected it to have.
After that, it was a wrap.
I was su-cking, and slurping what I could fit in my mouth.
I even started tickling his balls until his le'g muscles tightened and his hands were lost in my Brazilian hair.
I was going for a good 10 minutes when two bombs dropped:
1. His di-ck was too big so, i gagged and almost threw my lunch up in his lap.
2. The motherfv-cker nutted in my mouth.
After coming out of the bathroom, I found him fast asleep under my covers.
Needless to say, I slid right in and slept in the arm of my biggest rapper crush til it was time for me to wake him up to blunts and breakfast.
I guess its safe to say, I did a damn good job for my first time.
I must say, if I could do it all over, I would… only better.

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